Our Top Five Travelling Resolutions for 2016

7 January 2016

This New Year, why not make some resolutions you’ll be happy to keep? We’ve come up with some of our favourite travelling resolutions for you to try out which promise to add a bit of adventure to 2016!

1) Fill Gaps with Micro Adventures!

You may not be able to head to Thailand or somewhere truly exotic for a month, but taking a micro adventure somewhere can be the perfect thing to spice up those times you’re craving a getaway! Take a look at our special offers, here for a fantastic break by the sea.

2) More Culture, Less Technology!

When you’re on holiday, it can be really easy to get caught up in taking pictures. This time, why not try and immerse yourself in the experience by putting away the phones and cameras and living in the moment.

3) Tick Something Off Your Bucket List

We all have a bucket list of things we’d like to do, so why not start ticking things off? Pick somewhere you’ve always wanted to go or an experience you’ve always fancied trying, and book it!

4) Learn the Language

Before heading out to a foreign land, try learning some of the language in order to gain a more authentic experience. Too busy to sit down and read a phrase book? There are plenty of language learning audiobooks that can be downloaded to your device so you’ve got no excuse not to learn on the go!

5) Save the Planet

When you go for your next holiday experience, try something new and eco-friendly. Respect the local culture and be careful to research the tours and treks that you take as many can harm the environment. Try and support local businesses, which have a green ethos too!

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