The 5 best things about an Autumn stay in Newquay

14 October 2021

Newquay comes alive in summer, the town is vibrant, the warm Cornish sun shines all day long, and summer memories are made. But rarely is Autumn in Newquay spoken about.

Isolated beaches, quiet surf, brisk coastal walks, magical pink sky sunsets and so much more to calm the soul. Newquay in Autumn is a time of magic, and here we’re going to run through the best 5 things about an Autumn stay in Newquay.


1. Isolated beautiful beaches


When the large summer crowds begin to leave, the pace of life in Newquay returns to a slow and calm stroll. Autumn in Newquay is the favourite time of the year for many locals and visitors, as many of the beautiful attractions of Newquay become quiet and calm. Our beaches transform from the buzzing hub of activity they were in Summer, to quiet, serene, isolated spots of beauty.

If your an early riser it’s not uncommon to perhaps even find yourself with a sunrise all to yourself, and perhaps a few of the local surfers in the ocean catching waves as that first bit of Autumn sun catches their boards. If early mornings are not for you, wrap up warm and find a quiet spot in front of the waves as one of our magical Autumn sunsets begins to paint its masterpiece across the sky. Walking, sunset catching, or surfing, the quiet serenity of Newquay’s beaches in Autumn is a home for it all.


2. Magical Surf



Newquay is the home of the UK surf scene, there is no doubt about it. Located on the north coast, it is the epicentre of Cornwall’s surf culture, and in the summer months, thousands upon thousands of people flood to catch waves and take in the culture. The legendary Fistral Beach is a surfing mecca, and when joined with the countless other amazing local beaches to surf available, it’s no wonder Newquay lives for surf. Conditions in summer can be great but the busy sea makes finding that relaxation and perfect wave a challenge.

Come September when the crowds begin to leave, the sea becomes alive with locals catching beautiful waves in much quieter conditions. For anyone wanting to learn lessons are still available locally during this period and with the ocean being much quieter you will be able to try your hand at the local’s favourite pass time with time and space on your side. For those who prefer to watch rather than partake, if the conditions and swell align you may be lucky enough to see Newquay’s infamous Cribbar break. A monstrous wave is tackled by brave locals as spectators gather on the headland. One thing is for certain, surfing in Autumn has everything a professional or beginner could ever dream of.


3. Dramatic Coastal Walks



Newquay is a walkers paradise. Rugged cliffs, stunning coastlines and dream-like views all combine to make some of the UK’s most beautiful walking experiences. Autumn in Newquay is a cocktail of weather all stirred together, ensuring no two walks are the same. Perhaps you will be blessed with a brisk Cornish morning sunrise as you take to the coastal paths, marvelling at the crystal clear water below.

Or maybe you will witness one of our infamous storms. Wrap up warm as you walk and find a safe spot to watch the powerful waves crash into the rugged rocks below. Local wildlife comes alive and can be seen everywhere making a truly magical experience. From the headland path, Bedruthan Steps, Mawgan Porth and Crantock, there is a walk for everyone. Be sure to bring a camera and snap some photos of this lush and vibrant landscape.


4. Sunsets of your dreams


There’s no sunset like a Cornish sunset. Believe us when we tell you that Autumn is home to some of the most moving, and beautiful sunsets you will ever experience in your life. The warm orange glow of summer changes into magical pinks and purples. The sky is painted with colours that photographs will never do justice to, and to sit in front of one is a genuine experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

Grab a blanket and those you love, find yourself a quiet spot and marvel as mother nature weaves her magic. Some of the best spots to enjoy an Autumn sunset in Newquay include Fistral Beach, Porth Island, Crantock Beach, and Watergate Bay.


5.  Local Seasonal Attractions


Autumn in Newquay is home to some truly magical special events for locals and visitors alike. In October the Eden Project opens its glittering Ice Rink in the run-up to the Christmas period. Surrounded by magical Biomes and hundreds of lights, this is truly a once in a lifetime experience. For Halloween, there is the iconic Masked Ball, or even try a silent disco on Fistral Beach surrounded by ghouls and ghosts!

Bonfire Night in Newquay is a spectacular affair with hundreds of people gathering by Newquay Harbour to enjoy a firework display full of treats and surprises. With countless activities running throughout the Autumn period in Newquay you are sure to find something to suit you.



If you would like to visit Newquay this Autumn and experience all of the magic above then why not call the hotel today to find out our fantastic Autumn rates.

For more information call our friendly reservations team on 01637 872244 or email [email protected]


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